Nate Silver is my election night guide. Way better info than tv pundits. Maybe I will check Larry Sabato as well, since he claims to be so prescient. I don't really care too much who wins...I figure if the republicans win the house they will have to govern. You cannot just say no forever. My prediction for the future past election night: the economy will turn around and people will be happy and Obama will win in a landslide in 2012. A good thing because Obama is the best president we have had since Teddy Roosevelt. He will get to claim credit for the economy just as he being blamed for it now (not just by right-wingers but lefties as well such as Rachel Maddow and Paul Krugman). The reality is that he doesn't have much to do with it. I think most economists (who are not partisans) would say such an idea is silly.
BTW: I am glad the health care bill passed, but it is a mess. The nonpartisan bill (sponsored by Bob Bennett and Ron Wyden) was much better. The right is mostly to blame for the stupidity surrounding discussion of the bill but the democrats screwed up in catering to the old guard who run the committees in the Senate. But politics is messy. The old saying: two things you do not want to see being made---sausage and law. Those on the left who want Medicare for everyone have never managed to explain how they were going to pay for it. Or how to make decisions on what to cover. Everyone cannot have any medical treatment they want.
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8 hours ago