Being on vacation in Europe is like living a dream. Yesterday we had a private wine tour to two vineyards with lunch in between and gelato in the small town of San Donato after. It was fascinating to see how wine is made and to receive a wine-tasting lesson from our host at the Metrecchio vineyard, Arianna. Our tour guide and driver, Julio, was a gregarious Tuscan who spoke English with a very pronounced Italian accent and had a sharp sense of humor. He loves his dog, wine, food and most things about Tuscany and has a small B £ B outside of Florence that we may visit next time. Our lunch was unexpectedly slow and so we were late arriving at the second vineyard, whose center was a 13th century castle. Julio said it was the place where cavaliers met from the states of Siena and Florence (Firenze) to mark their border, as it would be the place where they would meet after leaving their cities on horseback at sunrise. Later it was determined that the representative of Firenze left two hours early, to the continuing disappointment of Siena today. The symbol of Chianti Classico wine is the black rooster, which is a reminder that the rooster of Firenze does not really know what time it is and crows before sunrise (and lots of other times).
Being in such a place helps to remind one that every day is a gift. You can make something interesting and enjoyable about every day if you choose. Sometimes, illness or other troubles make this difficult, but it can be done. My friend Jackie says that the key is to focus on what you have, not what you have lost. I like that. We are sharing our apartment (see with my old friends Rick and Jackie. Tita and I barely awoke and already they are out on the town. Having one couple of early risers and one of sleepers can work out wonderfully. Of course, this is if you value private time, something that in my world goes without saying.
Today, we are going to the Academy at 1 p.m. to see Michaelangelo's David, among other pieces. We are also going to get a reservation for the Uffizi for tomorrow, truly one of the great galleries in the world, that has a chronological exposition of painting that helps display the enourmous advances of the Renaissance. I recall the last time there how forcefully Michaelangelo's Doni Tondo struck me. We also intend to revisit the Duomo and climb to the top past the ceiling depicting heaven and hell. I am reading a wonderful little book now called Bruschellini's Dome by Ross King, which will add to the interest. My favorite experiences in town thus far have been a visit to the Santa Maria Novella church and a hike up to San Miniato al Monte for a glorious view of the city.
Our apartment overlooks the Arno and the Ponte Vecchi bridge. It is hard to imagine a better location. Of course, when traveling here one should keep in mind how noisy the city can be. Next time I think we will choose a quieter but not so scenic place.
Unfortunately, I have not figured out how to transfer pictures from Tita's I-phone to my blog, so pictures will continue to be posted on Facebook. A pickpocket nabbed my digital camera while we were in London but I have another at home which is just as good (a funny story about being manic could be inserted here). So we will go with what we've got. I do have my eye on a very nice leather coat, though. I wish their consumption taxes were no so high but in the end I may splurge. The Italians do wonderful things with leather.
It is time to slowly move into our day. A little reading this morning before we head out for the sightseeing is in order. Ciao.
Links 3/9/2025
3 hours ago
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