Here is a post on the civil case vs. Goldman Sachs. Here is a post that I think goes toward explaining this complicated mess. And here is an e-mail from a Wall Street insider. I am off to buy Econned.
You know this crap is going to be swept under the rug. Remember the Salt Lake olympics scandal. Never saw the light of day in spite of a lawsuit. And think about this: how much does it cost taxpayers for the FDIC to wind down ordinary failed banks?
Addendum: Not sure why the second two links are not working. Go to Naked Capitalism and read CDO Markets-Rife with Collusion and Manipulation? and E-Mails from Mordor.
Addendum: The FDIC has taken over about 200 banks since the beginning of 2009. The S & L crisis cost taxpayers about 150 billion back in the 80's. I suppose McConnell would call these bailouts. Wonder what the cost of this meltdown will be?
Links 3/9/2025
4 hours ago
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