I want to give a huge shout out to Yves Smith's blog Naked Capitalism and also to her book Econned. The book is slow reading but it seems essential to me to understand what was going on on Wall Street. Here is a particularly good article on Goldman. The comments are also interesting. And here is a very good article on Goldy by Steve Randy Waldman at Interfluidity.
There are some great books coming out now about the financial crisis and Washington is even getting excited. It is too bad that more people don't really understand this stuff (including said politicians). But I am cheered by the fact that Michael Lewis' The Big Short is now the number one nonfiction bestseller. Jonah Lehrer has a piece today at The Frontal Cortex about psychopathic behavior. The Goldy boys looked like the type to me.
Links 3/9/2025
3 hours ago
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